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Photography that gives life to your
images...telling your unique love story.


She noticed him in her building. She ran into him in her building (sometimes on accidentally on purpose). She became friends with him in her building. He wanted to stay friends. Long story short…after a series of life happenings and serendipitous moments…they fell in love in her building…which is now their building. These two have […]

Seeing someone find their new found happiness is part of why I love what I do. Watching Kristie on her journey of love and seeing her and Stuart find each other at work 8 years ago is a testament to second chances. Stuart embracing Kristies’ girls as his own and creating their own family and […]

They have been busy enjoying life…but now the time seemed perfect for Andrea & Adam to make it official. Adam, a very patient man combined with Andrea’s zeset for life makes for a wonderful match. They got married at Hotel Indigo in Everett. They love the water and often walk by the waterfront and feed […]

It’s been a decade of adventures the newest being their little addition Lucille!! Getting married in the midst of it all seemed appropriate for this time in Alice & Matt’s life. Described as two of the most faithful, selfless people, it was endearing to see these two commit to each other! Their nuptials were equally […]

They met in the time of Covid. An online swipe that turned into a long term love. Angela and John had their first date at Johns house…as she ventured (aka snooped) around his home she was impressed by how he lived…thinking…’hmmm I could deal with this’. Little did she realize they would have such a […]